Inspiring podcast with Amy Stewart

Honestly I hadn’t heard of Amy Stewart before I saw that she’s been interviewed for one of my favorite podcasts; Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields.

Amy Stewart. Photo: Eye Photography

Amy Stewart. Photo: Eye Photography

And what really hooked me to download and listen to this particular episode was the short description about writing and storytelling. Something I think a lot about these days, something I’ve realized I’ve devoted a big part of my life to: Writing and storytelling.

Right now in life we’re traveling, exploring and doing a lot of “just being”, and still I continue (of course) to think of and ask myself what I love to do, how I want to live my life, and how I can contribute in this world.


So listening to the interview with the author Amy Stewart about her writing, passion and about telling stories has been a great contribution to my thinking on the topic.

Isn’t it cool when those things pop up right in front of you, and you can “spend time” with somebody you wouldn’t meet on the street where you are, but you can listen to their thoughts and input anyways?!

// Wivan